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Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, by Napoleon Hill, W. Stone

PDF Ebook Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, by Napoleon Hill, W. Stone
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The bestselling self-help classic that has helped millions—promoting positive mental attitude as a key to personal success.
Your mind has a secret invisible talisman. On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living.
Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind!
When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone teamed up to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon that proposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone can achieve his or her dreams.
Now this remarkable book is available for the twenty-first century. You, too, can take advantage of the program that has brought success to generations of people seeking -- and finding -- a better way to live.
- Sales Rank: #6467 in Books
- Brand: Hill, Napoleon/ Stone, W. Clement
- Published on: 2007-06-12
- Released on: 2007-06-12
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.25" h x 1.00" w x 5.31" l, .71 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 384 pages
About the Author
Napoleon Hill was the world-renowned bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter One: Meet the Most Important Living Person
Meet the most important living person!
Somewhere in this book you will meet him -- suddenly, surprisingly and with a shock of recognition that will change your whole life. When you do meet him, you will discover his secret. You will discover that he carries with him an invisible talisman with the initials PMA emblazoned on one side, and NMA on the other.
This invisible talisman has two amazing powers: it has the power to attract wealth, success, happiness and health; and it has the power to repel these things -- to rob you of all that makes life worth living. It is the first of these powers, PMA, that enables some men to climb to the top and stay there. It is the second that keeps other men at the bottom all their lives. It is NMA that pulls other men down from the top when they have reached it.
Perhaps the story of S. B. Fuller will illustrate how it works.
"We are poor -- not because of God." S. B. Fuller was one of seven children of a Negro tenant farmer in Louisiana. He started to work at the age of five. By the time he was nine, he was driving mules. There was nothing unusual in this: the children of most of the tenant farmers went to work early. These families accepted poverty as their lot and asked for no better.
Young Fuller was different from his friends in one way: he had a remarkable mother. His mother refused to accept this hand-to-mouth existence for her children, though it was all she had ever known. She knew there was something wrong with the fact that her family was barely getting along in a world of joy and plenty. She used to talk to her son about her dreams.
"We shouldn't be poor, S.B.," she used to say. "And don't ever let me hear you say that it is God's Will that we are poor. We are poor -- not because of God. We are poor because Father has never developed a desire to become rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else."
No one had developed a desire to be wealthy. This idea became so deeply ingrained in Fuller's mind that it changed his whole life. He began to want to be rich. He kept his mind on the things he did want and off the things he didn't want. Thus he developed a burning desire to become rich. The quickest way to make money, he decided, was to sell something. He chose soap. For twelve years he sold it, door to door. Then he learned that the company which supplied him was going to be sold at auction. The firm price was $150,000. In twelve years of selling and setting aside every penny, he had saved $25,000. It was agreed that he would deposit his $25,000 and obtain the balance of $125,000 within a ten-day period. Written into the contract was the condition that if he did not raise the money, he would lose his deposit.
During his twelve years as a soap salesman, S. B. Fuller had gained the respect and admiration of many businessmen. He went to them now. He obtained money from personal friends, too, and from loan companies and investment groups. On the eve of the tenth day, he had raised $115,000. He was $10,000 short.
Search for the light. "I had exhausted every source of credit I knew," he recalls. "It was late at night. In the darkness of my room I knelt down and prayed. I asked God to lead me to a person who would let me have the $10,000 in time. I said to myself that I would drive down 61st Street until I saw the first light in a business establishment. I asked God to make the light a sign indicating His answer."
It was eleven o'clock at night when S. B. Fuller drove down Chicago's 61st Street. At last, after several blocks he saw a light in a contractor's office.
He walked in. There, seated at his desk, tired from working late at night, sat a man whom Fuller knew slightly. Fuller realized that he would have to be bold.
"Do you want to make $1,000?" asked Fuller straight out.
The contractor was taken aback at the question. "Yes," he said. "Of course."
"Then make out a check for $10,000 and when I bring back the money, I'll bring back another $1,000 profit," Fuller recalls telling this man. He gave the contractor the names of the other people who had lent him money, and explained in detail exactly what the business venture was.
Let's explore his secret of success. Before he left that night, S. B. Fuller had a check for $10,000 in his pocket. Subsequently he obtained controlling interest not only in that company, but in seven others, including four cosmetic companies, a hosiery company, a label company, and a newspaper. When we asked him recently to explore with us the secret of his success, he answered in terms of his mother's statement so many years before:
"We are poor -- not because of God. We are poor because Father has never developed a desire to become rich. No one in our family has ever developed a desire to be anything else."
"You see," he told us, "I knew what I wanted, but I didn't know how to get it. So I read the Bible and inspirational books for a purpose. I prayed for the knowledge to achieve my objectives. Three books played an important part in transmuting my burning desire into reality. They were: (1) the Bible, (2) Think and Grow Rich, and (3) The Secret of the Ages. My greatest inspiration comes from reading the Bible.
"If you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it. When you read a book, for example, you will recognize opportunities to help you get what you want."
S. B. Fuller carried with him the invisible talisman with the initials PMA imprinted on one side and NMA on the other. He turned the PMA side up and amazing things happened. He was able to bring into reality ideas that were formerly mere daydreams.
Now the important thing to notice here is that S. B. Fuller started life with fewer advantages than most of us have. But he chose a big goal and headed for it. Of course, the choice of goal was individual. In these times and in this country you still have your personal right to say: "This is what I choose. This is what I want most to accomplish." And unless your goal is against the laws of God or society, you can achieve it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those who keep trying with PMA.
What you try for is up to you. Not everyone would care to be an S. B. Fuller, responsible for large manufacturing concerns. Not everyone would choose to pay the costly price of being a great artist. To many, the riches of life are quite different. A skill in day-to-day living which adds up to a happy, love-filled life is success. You can have this and other riches, too. The choice is yours.
But whether success to you means becoming rich as it did to S. B. Fuller, or the discovery of a new element in chemistry, or the creation of a piece of music, or the growing of a rose, or the nurturing of a child -- no matter what success means to you -- the invisible talisman with the initials PMA emblazoned on one side and NMA on the other can help you achieve it. You attract the good and desirable with PMA. You repel them with NMA.
Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. "But what if I have a physical handicap? How can a change of attitude help me?" you may ask. Perhaps the story of Tom Dempsey, a boy who was disabled at birth, will give you your answer.
Tom was born without half a right foot and only a stub of a right arm. As a boy, he wanted to engage in sports as the other boys did. He had a burning desire to play football. Because of this desire, his parents had an artificial foot made for him. It was made of wood. The wooden foot was encased in a special stubby football shoe. Hour after hour, day after day, Tom would practice kicking the football with his wooden foot. He would try and keep on trying to make field goals at greater and greater distances. He became so proficient that he was hired by the New Orleans Saints.
The screams of 66,910 football fans could be heard throughout the entire United States when, within the last two seconds of the game, Tom Dempsey -- with his crippled leg -- kicked a record-breaking 63-yard field goal. It was the longest field goal ever kicked in a professional football game. It gave the Saints a winning score of 19-17 over the Detroit Lions.
"We were beaten by a miracle," said Detroit coach Joseph Schmidt. And to many, it was a miracle -- an answer to a prayer.
"Tom Dempsey didn't kick that field goal, God kicked it," said Lion linebacker Wayne Walker.
"Interesting. But what does the Tom Dempsey story mean to me?" you may ask.
Our response would be: "Very little -- unless you develop the habit of recognizing, relating, assimilating and using universal principles and adopt them as your very own. Then follow through with desirable action."
And what are the principles you could apply from the Tom Dempsey story, whether or not you are physically disabled? They can be learned and applied by children and adults:
- Greatness comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.
- Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep on trying with PMA.
- To become an expert achiever in any human activity, it takes practice...practice...practice.
- Effort and work can become fun when you establish specific desirable goals.
- With every adversity there is a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit for those who are motivated with PMA to become achievers.
- Man's greatest power lies in the power of prayer.
To learn and apply these principles, turn up your invisible talisman to the PMA side.
When Henley wrote the poetic lines, "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul," he could have informed us that we are the masters of our fate because we are masters, first, of our attitudes. Our attitudes shape our future. This is a universal law. The poet could have told us with great emphasis that this law works whether the atti...
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Well Worth Reading If You Want Insight For PMA
By Todd J Myers
Amazing book, so many helpful tools found in this book on how to transform from a Negative Mental Attitude to a Positive Mental Attitude. Many good stories on how peoples lives changed by adopting a PMA. The 17 Principles of Success are outlined well and the self analysis found towards the back of the book was very helpful and insightful to see how well you adopt the 17 principles and if you have a PMA. Principles and ideas presented are clear and easy to implement in your own life, again great examples and stories of how others have done it. Great for people in business, sales, or just looking to change your life for the better. With the information on Activity Vector Analysis I was inspired to pitch this out for the company I work for to help reduce our turnover, and overall performance. Again well worth the time to read this book, and a book I could easily reread at any time and gain new insight.
36 of 36 people found the following review helpful.
Gerald Chamales, Entrepreneur
By Gerald Chamales, Entrepreneur
SUCCESS THROUGH A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE is simply the very best book that I've ever read on personal and professional self development. This is a classic book and should be in every achiever's library. It's a distillation of all the great principles of higher achievement in one easy access reference book that is cram packed with positive ideas that will lift your thought process to a higher vibrational level. Thoughts, ideas, and action are what make up the sum total of an individuals life. The 17 principles as outlined in this book have helped me to focus my "attention on the things that I want and off the things that I don't want." Thought control is the ultimate discipline...and this book shows the student exactly how to "direct your thoughts, control your emotions, and ordain your destiny!" The authors discovered the secrets to success after interviews with over 500 men and women of accomplishment and than gave those principles to future generations to access in this powerful book. Take advantage of this book and I mean really become a student of this material, and if you APPLY what you learn you will have a new life!
The origin of this book is fascinating and dates back to Andrew Carnegie's meeting in 1908 with Napoleon Hill and Carnegie's subsequent sponsorhip of the young Napoleon Hill to write a thesis on American Achievement....Carnegie then introduced Napoleon Hill to Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and many other individuals of accomplishment as the young author catalogued the elements and principles that these great American achievers used to accomplish so much. His first great work LAW OF SUCCESS was published in 1926 and then in 1937 THINK AND GROW RICH was published while Hill was an advisor to then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and both books were considered instant classics in the self development field.
W. Clement Stone read THINK AND GROW RICH in 1937 the year that it was published and was so impressed with the principles that he applied them with vigor and built (with an initial investment of $100.00!) the Combined Registry Insurance Company which later became AON Insurance Company. Aon was built by W. Clement Stone and his team and became one of the greatest insurance companies in the world. You will see the AON skyscrapers in Hong Kong, Chicago, and many great cities. W. Clement Stone was listed on the Forbes 400 and attributed his success to the principles he applied from THINK AND GROW RICH. Now that's a fantastic story of what can happen when these principles are applied consistently and aggressively.
In the early 50's Stone went to hear Napoleon Hill speak in Chicago and they instantly hit it off and worked together for years thereafter helping others to achieve their dreams. They taught the PMA Science of Success Course, went to prisons, held seminars, went on T.V. and radio, and passionately communicated the 17 HABITS of high achievers and brought this message to all that wanted a better life. This book adds to what was so brilliantly layed out in the books LAW OF SUCCESS and THINK AND GROW RICH and combines additional principles like the COSMIC HABIT FORCE and PMA. These 17 principles are just pure magic if applied with continuous action. I read the book often as a kind of mental vitamin and it helps me to keep my attitude tuned up. I highly recommend this book as you can well see. Read it with an open mind and re-read it to keep the principles fresh. Memorize the self motivators, and the 17 principles and keep at it. Great events will come to pass if you persist, and remember that ANYTHING THE HUMAN MIND CAN CONCIEVE AND BELIEVE THE HUMAND MIND CAN ACHIEVE WITH A POSTIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. Onward and Upward! All the best, Gerald Chamales
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Where I Got A Lot Of My Living From
By Jim R.
I read this book when I was in seventh grade (before I knew it was a self-help book), this is where I learned about my fellow man, God, hard work, morals. So I have a Kindle and decided to read this again... only 30-years later. It was great to re-visit an old friend. It was great to get in touch with my sub-conscious, which showed me that I got a lot of my thoughts that I still live by today from Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone and this book. It still stands up today along with Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People.
These books have meaning because they are light and to the point. Not like today's books, claiming to have something new to offer. There is nothing new that needs to be offered. The good old adage of treating people the right way, that's all that needs to be learned. I flat out highly recommend this book!
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