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Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, by Neil Z.

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The Vaccine Safety Manual (new, updated 2015 edition) is the worlds most complete guide to immunization risks and protection. It includes pertinent information on every major vaccine: polio, tetanus, MMR, hepatitis A, B, HPV (cervical cancer), Hib, Flu, chickenpox, shingles, rotavirus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, RSV, DTaP, anthrax, smallpox, TB, and more. All of the information, including detailed vaccine safety and efficacy data, is written in an easy-to-understand format, yet includes more than 1,000 scientific citations. More than 100 charts, tables, graphs and illustrations supplement the text. This encyclopedic health manual is an important addition to every family's home library and will be referred to again and again.
- Sales Rank: #194816 in Books
- Published on: 2011-12-01
- Released on: 2009-12-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .60" w x 6.00" l, 1.06 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 352 pages
"This is the best book ever written on this subject. I cannot imagine how many hours were spent researching the information. The chapter on the HPV vaccine is one of the most incisive, data-packed and well-argued pieces of scientific journalism I have ever seen. This book will go a long way toward helping people make critical vaccine decisions."
"Neil Miller's Vaccine Safety Manual is a comprehensive, scientifically-documented MUST READ for every parent, healthcare professional and policymaker who faces the dilemma of compulsory vaccination."
From the Publisher
The author spent nearly three years researching vaccine studies from around the world and summarizing them in this monumental work. Each chapter in this Vaccine Safety Manual begins with a definition of the particular disease for which a vaccine has been developed, including data on who is most at risk, disease prevalence and severity. The vaccine for each disease is then analyzed according to its safety and efficacy profile. The safety sections include studies documenting vaccine-associated morbidity and mortality, as well as several personal stories from vaccine victims attesting to the real toll on human lives. Some chapters also include case histories from the U.S. government's own national database of vaccine damage -- VAERS. The efficacy sections analyze data from multiple sources to reveal the prophylactic potential of each vaccine: how likely it is to protect against the disease and reduce its incidence throughout society. Excerpts from congressional hearings, and vaccine debacles of historical significance, are included in this book as well. Charts, graphs, tables and other illustrations supplement the text for added comprehension.
From the Author
I have been investigating vaccines for more than 20 years. When my son was born, the matter became important to me. I began by studying medical and scientific journals. The data was disturbing. Evidence showed that vaccines are often unsafe and ineffective. In fact, some vaccines cause new diseases. I was even more shocked to learn that powerful people within the organized medical profession are aware of vaccine safety and protection deficiencies, but seem to have an implicit agreement to obscure facts, alter truth, and deceive the public. Vaccine failings are minimized while benefits are exaggerated to avert any negative publicity that might frighten concerned parents, threaten the vaccine program and lower vaccination rates. My first book, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? was written to provide parents with a summary of my initial findings.
I wrote this current book, Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners (new, updated 2nd edition), to counterbalance conventional dogma. I researched vaccine studies and articles from around the world, then summarized them for your benefit. All of the data is footnoted in the text and referenced. The information I uncovered does not support the oft-heard claim that vaccine benefits outweigh their risks. In other words, if you'd like to read more about the benefits and less about the risks, there are plenty of "official" websites that you can visit (or speak to your doctor). However, if you prefer uncensored vaccine data, then this important reference guide is for you.
Most helpful customer reviews
167 of 187 people found the following review helpful.
Extraordinary Book for Necessary Due Diligence
By Jay Isaah
I was not vaccinated as a child. With the sparse information on vaccines that was available at the time, my parents did their research and elected to raise me without medical intervention. I always seemed healthier than my vaccinated peers, who were sick many times each year. I rarely became ill, and when I did get sick, I healed quickly, always without allopathic medicine. Of course, non-vaccination is a choice that should be made only after ample research. Today, I am a well-educated, healthy adult, and soon I will have children. My children will need to know that their parents, like mine, did their due diligence prior to birth, or shortly thereafter.
When I came across the Vaccine Safety Manual, I immediately realized that vaccine research has entered a new era. This is no ordinary book. Although it is a scholarly guide, it is well organized and well written so that average people (and avid researchers) can quickly gain the knowledge they seek on any vaccine. You don't need to read this book from beginning to end, but can use it as a reference for the vaccines that you are most interested in learning about. For example, I wanted to know why babies are given the hepatitis B vaccine, so I started with that chapter, which begins on page 261 (and ends on page 312). This chapter begins with a thorough definition of the disease, who is most likely to get it, how many people get it, etc. All of the information is taken directly from official sources, such as peer-reviewed studies. There are sections in that chapter on safety and how well the vaccine works, and the safety section breaks the studies down into sub-sections, such as studies that link the vaccine to a) arthritis, b) autoimmune/nervous system disorders, c)visual/hearing problems, d) blood disorders, etc. You get the idea: this is a very thorough and very organized manual. (It does explain why babies receive this vaccine. You may be unhappily surprised!)
I highly recommend this book. It helped me to realize that my parents were wise in raising me, and you, too, would be wise to read this manual before you make your decisions.
119 of 138 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent supplement to his previous book
By Tenna Merchent
This book was written by Neil Miller, the author of the classic Vaccines: Are they really safe and effective? This book is more up to date, as many new vaccines have been introduced which were not covered in his earlier work.
It has a chapter on every major vaccine that addresses:
* What the disease is
* How it is contracted
* How it is treated
* The history of the vaccine
* Research regarding the vaccine's effectiveness
* Research on the vaccine's safety
He has a chapter on autism that is 60 pages long that contains charts that shows the dramatic increase in autism after the introduction of the MMR vaccine. His charts are one of my favorite aspects of his books because they make the statistics so much more powerful when you can see them illustrated visually, and he includes over 90 in this book. The autism chapter has congressional testimony given by parents of vaccine injured children that will make any parent want to do more homework on the subject prior to vaccinating. He also goes through the studies that claim there is no link between the MMR and autism. I found this particularly helpful, because I'd heard of such studies, but never knew the details. He presents a response to both studies by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He also has a paragraph on the Homestead Health Services, which is an alternative medical facility in Chicago. The children in the practice aren't vaccinated, and of the 30,000 children they've treated, they've never seen one with autism.
One of the most disturbing themes that I saw throughout the book is that children who get a vaccine are more likely to develop a more serious case of the disease than the unvaccinated. I didn't like the fact that he used vaccine and immunization interchangeably. While a vaccine may confer clinical immunity by creating antibodies, it does not necessarily give the person immunity to the disease.
At 467 pages long, this is an excellent reference book, but it's not one you will blow through in a day. This is a book that I will recommend to my peers. If you are new to the subject, you may want to start with his previous book, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective as it is shorter and probably less intimidating, then refer to this book for a discussion on the newer vaccines such as the hepatitis A vaccine.
If you are interested in the vaccine debate, I also recommend Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal. It is an excellent DVD created by a mainstream ER doctor who stumbled across the vaccine debate, and became obsessed with it. I like it because there are some people who simply won't take the time to read a book on vaccines, but they will watch a DVD. Hopefully, you will do both.
98 of 114 people found the following review helpful.
This book belongs in every home and doctors office
By C. Alls
As concerned parents, we have been researching the safety and effectiveness of vaccines for many months. We participated in a presentation were the speaker was one of my favorite researchers and authors on the topic, Neil Z. Miller. He is a medical research journalist and natural health advocate and author of numerous articles and books on vaccines. Miller is also the director of the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute. He has a degree in psychology (with an emphasis on statistical analysis) and is a member of Mensa.
The presentation was about two hours and only touched the surface on the extensive amount documented data he has discovered through government, medical and scientific journals. He started researching vaccines before his son was born over 23 years ago. What began as a parental endeavor for information turned into a public awareness crusade.
He tells us most of the vaccine information that the public is told is misinformation and propaganda. Accurate data is not released through regular media outlets.
During the presentation they polled the audience on various questions. We learned that the U.S. has more vaccinations than any other country in the world and we also have the 42nd worst infant mortality rate in the world.
Dr. Baylock, a well known neurosurgeon has documented damage in children's brains due to toxic overload from vaccines. He wrote the compelling foreword of Miller's latest book.
The "idea" that vaccines will keep our children safe is like playing russian roulette. Miller advocates parents being fully informed and know that they have freedom of choice, especially when it comes to the health and well being of their children. "Don't count on your doctors to give you all he information." Miller warns. He suggests looking at each vaccine independently and that is exactly was he has presented for all people in his book: Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners.
We live in a pill popping society where there is a drug for every ailment, but we have more chronic conditions and diseases than we have ever had before. Drug companies continue to make drugs and vaccine manufacturers will continue to make vaccines. They will put pressure on the FDA to say that they are safe and the CDC to recommend them to the schedule. Currently families that follow the recommended schedule are giving their children 36 drugs by 18 months of age. "We are injecting healthy people with unhealthy substances." Miller said.
Miller says, "There are more vaccines in the pipeline". The next big push is for adolescent and adults vaccines, even vaccines for those with addictions. There are no studies done on combination vaccines and how they react with one another. Not to mention any reactions with other environmental, drug or food chemicals or toxins.
"This is not hearsay. I have documented all of this information." Miller says. The FDA and CDC have a 12-15 member panel. The FDA determines what will be licensed and the CDC will then recommend it to the schedule.
Congressmen Dan Burton held congressional hearings to investigate these committees. There were clear conflicts of interest including, members that owned stock or patent to a vaccine or they were paid consultants to the vaccine manufactures.
In June of 2000 there was a `secret' meeting of top officials from Big Pharma, FDA and CDC. There they discussed the evidence that vaccines were harmful and instead of alerting parents they spent the rest of the weekend on how they were going to cover it up. Robert Kennedy Jr wrote and article about this story for Rolling Stone in 2005. Click here to read article.
Miller also addressed some common questions including mercury being removed from vaccines. In 1999 AAP said mercury was going to be removed from vaccines; however it was not required for the current stock of vaccines to be returned or destroyed. Three years later to balance that out, it was mandated that children get multiple flu vaccines that had high concentrations of mercury (thimerisol the chemical that contains 50% mercury).
Many parents choose to space out vaccines or create their own schedule. Miller thinks there may be some merit to it. He gave a drinking analogy. The reactions are different if you have shot after shot of tequila or have 1 tequila shot that night out with your friends. He still warns that if you decided to space out or do single shots the vaccines still come with significant reactions. There is no testing or screening to know if a child has a predisposition or may have a reaction.
We do know that more and more children are having reactions and autism is on the rise. The good news is for parents that choose not to vaccinate there are either religious or philosophical exemptions available.
Miller tells us that Autism rates surpasses cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined. This is a true epidemic. He also mentions the flu statistics are false. "More people die in this country from asthma and malnutrition than the flu." Miller also spoke of the link between vaccines and asthma, mercury and autism but was very clear that mercury is not the only problem. "All of this information is documented information," he repeats.
We are conditioned to believe that vaccines are safe and vaccines are effective. If this was true children would not be having reactions and dying and people that were vaccinated would not get the disease. This is clearly not the case.
Another astounding bit of information was about the Polio Vaccine. There is an industry that raises monkeys and then kills them to use their kidneys to develop the polio vaccine.
Monkeys carry several viruses and one in particular, SV-40 is known to cause cancer. Numerous people were infected and cancer rates have increased 20-30% around the world.
This virus is also transmitted similarly to AIDS.
The Vaccine Safety Manual is the world's most complete guide to immunization risks and protection. It includes pertinent information on every major vaccine: polio, tetanus, MMR, hepatitis A, B, HPV (cervical cancer), Hib, Flu, chickenpox, shingles, rotavirus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, RSV, DTaP, anthrax, smallpox, TB, and more. All of the information, including detailed vaccine safety and efficacy data, is written in an easy-to-understand format, yet includes more than 1,000 documented citations. More than 75 charts, graphs and illustrations supplement the text. This encyclopedic health manual is an important addition to every family's home library and will be referred to again and again.
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Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, by Neil Z. PDF
Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, by Neil Z. PDF
Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection, by Neil Z. PDF